Back to Macro - My studio workflow
/Taking a break…
… from the many projects I currently have underway, I decided it was time to do some macro photography, just for the fun of it. As I was setting everything up, it occurred to me that this would be an excellent opportunity to fill in the gaps and show you my workflow from start to finish. Much of this material has been discussed elsewhere, but not in the context of an end-to-end workflow.
The devil’s horse grasshopper - a nasty little monster
I popped down to the beach, where can be found an area of scrubland that I usually have all to myself. It was deserted, and I spent an hour two poking around with my bug net. I found what I was looking for - leaf hoppers and other tiny insects, many of which crawled up inside my trouser legs for some inexplicable reason. Chiggers are horrible little beasts that leave me scratching for days. Anyway, I found plenty to photograph and was soon walking back up the hill to my humble abode.
Leaf hopper - smaller than a grain of Uncle Ben’s
As I started setting up the macro cage for an evening of macro stacking, I decided that this might be useful for anyone interested in finding their own workflow. So I grabbed a camera and this is what resulted.
Hope you find it interesting and entertaining!