Short Focus - A Primer
/All my clocks are broken. Or so I thought on Sunday morning, for maybe the 120th time in my life. Of course they are not broken and the sun is still above the horizon at 5:30 PM on this first Sunday evening of “normal” time. Another weekend has flashed past during which I developed a revolting sinus infection (my first) and built a bunch of photography gadgets. I also spent a little time thinking hard about whether or not I should wade into the murky waters of small-scale manufacture and actually try to make a little money selling some of this stuff.
A focus block conversion
There are pros and cons, of course. On the plus side, I really enjoy the process of designing, drawing, prototyping, and finishing all these projects. I love testing them and using them, too. I like getting feedback from my friends and working to improve on designs and building approaches. I even enjoy sourcing the best low-cost parts for the projects. Now, a big part of this is that I work on these projects to relax and test myself - the only schedule is the one in my head and I seldom allow my “hobby” to get in the way of my work. But what happens when someone is paying real money for one of these things - how relaxing will the work be then? And then there is the whole money thing. I am not very good about asking people for money because it makes me feel uncomfortable, as does receiving it when I do work up the courage to ask. Becoming a maker and seller of these gadgets would mean I would have to do this a lot (hopefully), and that sounds a little scary.
The conversion motorized
Neither the focus block stacking device nor the cross polarizer platform were cheap to make. That is because neither was close to finished until I had drawn, printed and assembled at least half a dozen prototypes - a process taking several weeks and a bunch of parts. But even accounting for my time, they also weren’t that terribly expensive to make either. So, at the end of the day, I am not exactly sure what they are worth, and I absolutely need to know that before I will sell one. I try not to talk about this channel’s finances - it is too embarrassing - but an infusion of profit from something like this would be most useful and very welcome. Then there is the question of what I should actually try to sell - a complete, ready to use gadget, fully assembled and ready to use? Or a kit, complete with plans and instructions? Or some other hybrid arrangement? I just don’t know.
One simple eye of a velvet ant at 20X - no reason, just like it
So I am going to ask you what you think and I would be most grateful for any feedback you can offer. It should go without saying, but this is just me asking you what you think. It is not a solicitation and I will record your feedback without identifying information. If you feel so inclined, please answer a couple of simple questions for me - you can do so in the comment section below this post, or you can contact me in any other way that is convenient. You are also welcome to answer only the parts you want to. Here we go:
Would you be interested in buying a fully ready to use cross polarizing birefringent crystal viewer and imaging platform?
How much would you consider a fair price to get one?
Would you be interested in scoring a microscope focusing attachment to use with your stackShot or WeMacro controller?
How much would the whole assembly, not counting a microscope, be worth to you (frame, fine focus interface, Motor, cables)?
Would you be interested in getting a free standing, ready to use fine focus device including a microscope focus block and the drive assembly (for use with whatever controller you already have)?
How much would that be worth to you?
Is there anything else that I have invented/built in the last few years that you would like to have a chance to buy?
Any other words of wisdom or encouragement?
the testing platform
Thanks for doing this - I will let you know what the bottom line is in a few days. Now here is a picture of a bridge. No reason.
So what are we up to this week?
On Tuesday, in Macro Talk, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about the technique of short focusing in high magnification macro photography. It is surprisingly straight forward, but can add a very exciting dimension to your use of objectives as camera lenses. I will cover what it is for, how to set up the equipment, the potential problems, and the gear you will need. Then I will tell you exactly how to evaluate and relay lenses that you think may work for short focus and actually walk through the process using one of Susan Seaford’s telephoto Nikon lenses. Fun! The link is here…
On Thursday we are going to take one more look at the two macro-gadgets I have been working on for the last month and I will complete the circle by giving you step-by-step instructions on how to take full advantage of the two 3D print files that I released earlier today. Literally everything you need to know to build and use both devices for your own rig. Even if you have no interest in building either of them, there will still be a ton of interesting stuff to talk about. Don’t miss this one! The link…
Saturday is Pzoom - a private face to face meeting with my awesome Patreon supporters, where they get to ask questions, lodge complaints, hurl obscenities, and just have a good old time with their host - me! I will have a few surprises for the group and we are going to have a very good time - promise! The invitation is posted over on my Patreon page at
If you missed the last AfterStack, fear not, as it is now available by following this YouTube link to the recording!
A busy week and a lot to prepare for, so I had better get my skates on! Hope to see you soon! All the best!