Romantic Terns and Killer Robots
/Welcome to the show notes for episode #8 of Shoot the Breeze - your weekly photography podcast. The podcast is also available on the Podcast page of this site.
This week we cover saving money on your photo printing with ink management best practices. After that, I wander down a rabbit hole only to find a colony of mating Caspian terns waiting for me. Here are a group of these magnificent birds chasing off a raven…
Caspian terns chasing off an unwelcome guest
And here are a couple of these terns in an air battle over a fish…
Catching a fish is the easy part!
And here are a couple of lovebirds (least terns) trading gifts (fish) for “favors”.
We also talk about the future of product photography in an age of computer generated imagery, how to put together a print portfolio, some suggestions for experimenting with flat lay photography.
Hope you enjoyed the show and I’ll see you again next week!